Ilex 'Mesog' CHINA GIRL #3- 15-18"
Easily grown in average, medium moisture soil in full sun to part shade. Adaptable to both light and heavy soils, but prefers moist, acidic, organic soils with good drainage. A dioecious shrub: CHINA GIRL is a female plant and CHINA BOY is a companion male plant. Usually plant mostly CHINA GIRL because only females produce the attractive red berries which are so conspicuous in fall and winter. A planting needs at least one CHINA BOY within 400' as a pollinator for up to 9-10 CHINA GIRL plants. Prune to shape in early spring just before new growth begins. Good winter hardiness.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Ilex is a genus of over 400 species of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and climbers from tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Many are grown for their attractive, evergreen foliage.